Privacy Notice

Mon, 28 Jun 2021 - Gertjan Filarski

Privacy Notice - version 1 (Monday June 28th, 2021)

Business Address

Fourdays is a company registered in the Netherlands: Pasteurstraat 6, 2316 BT LEIDEN. Gertjan Filarski is the Data Protection Officer. He can be reached by sending an email to

This privacy policy will explain how our organization uses the personal data we collect from you when you use our websites and services.

Wat do we collect?

We collect and process the following data:

  • Your name (or your chosen pseudonym);
  • Your email address;
  • The IP-address of the internet connection you use to access our services;
  • Other personal details that you provided in correspondence or over the phone;
  • Data about your activities on our websites;
  • The internet browser and type of device you use to access our services.

How do we collect your data?

You directly provide Fourdays with most of the data we collect. We collect data and process data when you:

  • Register online to participate in one of our service beta-tests, or subscribe to any of our services;
  • Voluntarily complete a customer survey or provide feedback on any of our message boards or via email;
  • Use our services (via your browser's cookies).

Note that Fourdays only uses cookies when you actively use our services. None of our public facing websites use cookies. You can find more information on our use of cookies below.

How will we use your data?

Fourdays collects your data so that we can:

  • process your subscription to any of our services;
  • process your participation in one of our service beta-tests and keep you informed about the progress of the test;
  • contact you, if necessary to properly facilitate our services to you;
  • contact you, when our services or privacy policy change.

Fourdays will not share your data with other companies or organizations for marketing purposes.

We only share your data with third parties when there is a legitimate interest - either when necessary to properly facilitate our services to you, or in compliance with Dutch, German, or European law. To process your subscription we may send your data, for example, to credit reference agencies and banks to handle payment and to prevent fraudulent purchases. We can use the resulting information we get from these organizations to approve your subscription or participation.

How do we store your data?

Fourdays securely stores your data at our datacenter in Nuremberg, Germany and at our company headquarters in Leiden, the Netherlands.

Fourdays will keep your data only as long as needed to accomplish the purposes for which we have collected it.

The following data we keep as long you have a subscription on one of our services, or participate in a beta-test:

  • Your name (or your chosen pseudonym);
  • Email address;
  • Other personal details that you provided in correspondence or over the phone.

The following data we keep no longer than 30 days:

  • The IP-address of the internet connection you use to access our services;
  • Data about your activities on our websites;
  • The internet browser and type of device you use to access our services.

How do we secure your data?

Fourdays is serious about data security and has taken measures to avoid data abuse or loss, and unauthorized data access, publication, and changes. If you have doubts about the quality of our security measures, or would like to report technical inconsistencies in our data protection, please send an email to our Data Protection Officer: Gertjan Filarski at

Fourdays has implemented many disclosed and undisclosed security measures, among which:

  • All our servers run security software such as virus scanners and firewalls;
  • TLS (formerly SSL): we transfer your data through a secured internet connection. You can check this in the address bar of your browser where you will find 'https' in front of the internet domain instead of 'http'. The added 's' is short for: secure. Your browser also confirms the secure connection automatically by showing a lock in the address bar;
  • DKIM, SPF and DMARC: three internet standards we apply to avoid that malignant third-parties use email addresses in our domains to send you viruses, spam, or illegal attempts to acquire your personal data (also known as phishing).
  • DNSSEC: Fourdays has implemented an extra level of security on top of DNS that is used to translate the internet domain you enter in your browser's address bar (e.g. to the IP-address of our server. DNSSEC adds a digital signature to the translation process that all modern browsers automatically check for. The signature protects you from being transferred inadvertently to a false third-party address that may imitate our services in order to retrieve your data.

How do we use cookies?

Fourdays only uses cookies (or comparable technology) to provide functionality or for analytical purposes to properly facilitate our services to you. We only use such cookies when you have actively registered and use any of our services, or participate in a beta-test. None of our public facing websites use cookies.

We explicitly do not use cookies for advertising purposes nor do we make use of tracking cookies to follow you on third party websites.

You can set your browser not to accept cookies. However, in a few cases, some of our subscription services or beta-tests may not function as a result.

What are your data protection rights?

Fourdays would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access - You have the right to request Fourdays for copies of your personal data.

The right to rectification - You have the right to request that Fourdays correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request Fourdays to complete information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure - You have the right to request that Fourdays erase your personal data sooner than the terms stated in How do we store your data.

The right to restrict processing - You have the right to request that Fourdays restricts the processing of your personal data.

The right to object to processing - You have the right to object to Fourdays processing your personal data.

The right to data portability - You have the right to request that Fourdays transfers the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, in a readable format.

Under certain conditions we can deny your request. For example if it:

  • limits us to properly facilitate our services to you;
  • impedes handling a complaint you filed;
  • interferes with legal requirements under Dutch, German, or European Law;
  • etc.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer Gertjan Filarski at

To confirm the identity of the person requesting to exercise these rights, Fourdays will ask you to include a copy of your identification. To protect your privacy please ensure that you have blacked-out your photo, the Machine Readable Zone (the strip of numbers at the bottom of EU id-cards), the number of your card, and your social security number. We will delete this information after handling your request.

Fourdays will reply as soon as possible and not later than four weeks after your initial request.

What to do when you suspect we collected data of a child under the age of 16

None of our websites or services are aimed at people under the age of 16. Fourdays has no intention to collect their data unless they are authorized by a parent or legal guardian. However, there are no technical measures through which we can check if the data provided belongs to a child younger than 16 and is authorized.

If you are a parent or legal guardian and you suspect that we have gathered unauthorized personal data about a child under your care, then please contact our Data Protection Officer Gertjan Filarski at

Include a copy of your identification card with your initial request so that we can establish your identity, and attach a document that identifies you as the parent or legal guardian of the child. To protect your privacy please ensure that you have blacked-out your photo, the Machine Readable Zone (the strip of numbers at the bottom of EU id-cards), the number of your card, and your social security number. We will delete this information after handling your request.

Upon confirmation of your identity and authority we will provide you with a copy of all the personal data of the child, and will fully cooperate to remove it from our systems.

To avoid the accidental unauthorized collection of data belonging to children younger than 16 in our systems, we strongly urge parents and legal guardians to participate in the online activities of the children in their care.

Privacy policy of other websites

Websites belonging to Fourdays may contain links to other third-party websites. Our privacy policy applies only to our websites. This means that if you click on a link to another website, you leave the servers under control of Fourdays. Upon arrival, please read the privacy policy of the website you choose to visit.

Changes to our privacy policy

Fourdays keeps its privacy policy under regular review and publishes any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on Monday June 28th, 2021.

How to contact Fourdays

If you have any questions about the Fourdays privacy policy, your personal data, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer Gertjan Filarski at

How to contact the appropriate authority

Fourdays would like to remind you that when you wish to report a complaint, or if you feel that Fourdays has not addressed your concern in a satisfactory manner, you may contact the Information Commissioner's Office. Fourdays is a company registered in the Netherlands and Dutch law applies. You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) and file complaints in Dutch or English.

Can we help you?

Audits & Consultancy

An extra set of eyes to see if you are where you want to be, or going where you had imagined.

Grant Acquisition

Both editing and authoring of (EU) funding proposals.

Interim Management

Temporary assignments at home or abroad to get projects and teams up to speed - or back on the rails.