Code that does the right thing

Tue, 18 May 2021 - Gertjan Filarski

In Dutch we have a saying: Trust comes on foot and leaves on horseback. Trust is something exceedingly fragile. The projects that I've seen fail, almost always failed because of a lack of trust between domain experts and software engineers. Without trust we cannot be certain that the code you need to deliver does the right thing.

Measuring the soft side

I wrote this blog for people who want to understand the 'soft side' of running a succesfull software development project. Developing software requires knowledge in two domains: the subject-matter and engineering. Most members of a team are expert in one and not the other. How do you deal with issues like the transfer of knowledge between those different domains, and the effective collaboration and communication between software engineers and subject-matter experts. In this article I assume that they work as equal members of the team - although subject-matter experts may represent the customer and can be a bit more equal than others. At any rate: both share an interest in success. They are committed and need to work closely together to accomplish their goals.

In virtually all projects a subject-matter expert has essential knowledge that needs to be codified by a software engineer. Whether the subject-matter experts are safety specialists working in a project to build a new registration system for fire stations on oil rigs; or a lawyer expert in copyright who joined with a development team for a new legal website. How do you confirm that knowledge was transferred reliably? In such a way that the entire team can trust the software application implemented it consistently? Through unit and integration tests we continuously assert that the software does things right. How do we confirm that the code consistently does the right things? Also after months and years of continued development?

Sound knowledge transfer is crucial for the delivery of software development projects. And we have no mechanisms to test it.

Hope versus Trust

The most succesfull projects I was part of, were those where an interested team of software engineers acquired domain knowledge. Projects in which the developer and domain expert almost became peers. Why? Because at that point they shared a language, and the developer could make reliable judgements on the consequences of changes in the code.

Sharing a language is key: in one instance I encountered a lead engineer who had learned 17th century Latin in his spare time, in order to literally better understand the subject-matter experts in an historical archive. The project was highly succesfull because of his personal interests. But learning Latin is not a very sustainable way of software development And without a shared language the subject-matter experts can only hope that the engineers understand them. They cannot trust it.

Symptoms of Hopitis

A major indication that a project is suffering from what I call Hopitis, is the inclination to retest everything with every change. I don't mean automated testing (which is good) but user testing by the domain experts themselves. They insist on clicking and calculating through the entire application in order to confirm that the change had no unintended consequences. Many subject-matter experts feel that such an exercise is the only way they can confirm their hope that everything is still fine.

Another symptom manifests after the project is done and team members have moved on. There is no trail of trust left behind. How can the next team of engineers asked to add a new feature, do anything but hope that the transfer of knowledge was done reliably? How can they trust the existing codebase? Yes, there may be documentation or even automated unit tests but those prove that the application consistently does the same thing right. They do not proof that the application does the right thing. It is exceedingly complicated to prove that code, which grew over time with many changes and adaptations, correctly reflects the knowledge of the subject-matter expert. And suppose the experts are still around: how likely is it that, with no technical skills, they can reliably confirm their knowledge was properly codified?

Without a trail of trust a new team can hardly be expected to use old code. Still we do that all the time! We look despairingly at teams who object, and complain that they suffer from the 'not-invented-here-syndrome'. But they are not at fault. The preceding project suffered from Hopitis. We cannot blame a new team for not trusting that code does what it is supposed to do. So before adding new features you either have to throw potentially solid code overboard, or go through an expensive and time consuming assessment proces. Which more often than not concludes that it is 'complicated' and that (just to be on the safe side) a redesign and redevelopment is recommended. All because we miss a trail of trust that proves the subject-matter experts reliably transferred their knowledge to software developers.

Doing things right versus doing the right thing

We have many ways of proving that code does things right: unit tests, integration tests, Q&A-teams, and documentation. Yet we often find it complicated to consistently apply those in every project and codebase that we build for a customer. But there is no way we can prove that the code does the right things. We need to fix that. In my next blog I will look at the ways we deal with validating 'soft' issues right now, and start to explore a more quantifiable approach.

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