The term is used when looking for an uncommon combination of features (or skills). And my mix of degrees in business economics, plus history, plus software development, is not very common. But that's what I am: a 'economist-historian-programmer-manager'. Allow me to help you develop new and innovative technology.
Over the last ten years I have managed digital research infrastructure. If that sounds a tad vague, consider this: modern academic research
requires facilities - anything ranging from laboratories to libraries. I spent most of my working life organizing, managing and finding funds for the teams building such systems. And
worked extensively in the fields of Social Science, Humanities and the Cultural Heritage-sector. Where I often
was the connecting link between academic researchers and software engineers.
In Fourdays, I use my being-the-bridge expertise to develop a platform that enables users and developers to work together. My passion for the humanities
and heritage remain undiminished, and I also enjoy working as a consultant for many international organizations in these fields.
You can follow me on <a href="" class="icon brands fa-twitter"></a> or connect to me on
<a href="" class="icon brands fa-linkedin"></a>.